Art Prints - Rawr and the Chilli Crab Poster Collection
Follow Rawr and get your hands dirty with a flavourful Chilli Crab! Its sweet and savoury gravy is THE highlight of this dish. It’s soooooo good, this is a must-eat when tourists visit Singapore! Who cares if it’s unglam to be seen licking your fingers while digging out those succulent flesh from its shell?! Bring your tastebuds on a high by slurping up that semi-thick tangy gravy, or dipping those fried mantous that accompany this dish. Shiok max!
Measures by 210mm (w) x 297mm (h).
Printed on premium majestic cream metallic paper.
Frame not included
*Color may vary. Shipping is included in this instance.
All ideas, concept design, characters and fully original illustration are the property of Tee-Saurus. Tee-Saurus reserves all copyrights to this idea, artwork which cannot be reproduced or modified (whether in part or whole) without first obtaining written consent. All rights reserved.
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