Art Prints - Rawr and the Biscuit Gem Poster Collection
Follow Rawr and be dazzled by these pretty Biscuit Gems! Made famous by Khong Guan who named theirs ‘Fancy Gems’, this childhood snack brings a smile to kids from 8 to 80. Don’t pretend you aren’t tempted to bite off that dainty icing on the top first, ‘cause that’s what we all used to do!
Measures by 210mm (w) x 297mm (h).
Printed on premium majestic cream metallic paper.
Frame not included
*Color may vary. Shipping is included in this instance.
All ideas, concept design, characters and fully original illustration are the property of Tee-Saurus. Tee-Saurus reserves all copyrights to this idea, artwork which cannot be reproduced or modified (whether in part or whole) without first obtaining written consent. All rights reserved.
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