Art Prints - Rawr and the Ice Kachang Poster Collection
Follow Rawr and dig into a mountain of Ice Kachang! Move over, rainbow cake. THIS is the original visual and gastronomic delight with its burst of happy colours! Be prepared for fireworks in your mouth as you sink your teeth into scoops of red beans, sweet corn, attap chee and agar agar stuffed under an avalanche of shaved ice drizzled with evaporated milk and condensed milk to finish off! Excite your palate further and ask for a rich topping of durian puree or ice cream – go on, you know you want it.
Measures by 210mm (w) x 297mm (h).
Printed on premium majestic cream metallic paper.
Frame not included
*Color may vary. Shipping is included in this instance.
All ideas, concept design, characters and fully original illustration are the property of Tee-Saurus. Tee-Saurus reserves all copyrights to this idea, artwork which cannot be reproduced or modified (whether in part or whole) without first obtaining written consent. All rights reserved.
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